A review by imlebersfeld
The Atlas of Love by Laurie Frankel


I was excited to read this book-it seemed like a great story. But I was very disappointed. It was somewhat predictable and it left the reader very let down at the end. It didn't go anywhere at many points and as much as the author pulls the reader in throughout the book, she leaves so many open ended questions unanswered. It was a very unsettling feeling to take away as a reader. Their wasn't enough character development on so many levels and I have to say that the whole story became not believable. I would have like to know more about the intricacies of raising a newborn. That was passed over and I feel that it was a bog part of the book. There was a lot more telling the reader than showing the reader in many situations. there were times that I felt lost because some things that the author was trying to explain did not make sense. I think that the novel in the beginning had a lot more potential but then it became so unrealistic and it fell so flat that it was such a disappointment to me.