A review by librarydeb
The Secret Keeper by Beverly Lewis


Jennifer Burns, Jenny, has wanted to be Amish for years. She feels she was born in the wrong century. She detests the ritzy life her family lives in. She works in an antique store. Her family doesn't understand her.

She has plans. She met an Amish girl years ago when she was young and she now plans to move to Hickory Hollow and become Amish... join the church and everything.

Can Jenny do all that is required to pass her proving? Learn to cook, sew, do wash, and clean the Amish way. And harder still can she adapt to the attitudes and live the way that exemplifies the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and the ministerial brethren.

And how about the residents of Hickory Hollow... some of our old friends. What about Rebecca Lapp and her visits to her banished daughter, Katie's home. She is just dying to see more of her grandchildren but it is forbidden. Will she get caught? What would Bishop Beiler do?? He has been soooooo strict with the banishment, is it because he was embarrassed when Katie left him at the alter and turned Fancy.

There are other problems in Hickory Hollow as well... but I don't want to ruin the whole story for you.

This was a wonderful book 4 in the Hickory Hollow series. I loved it. I love the people and the simplicity of life there... not that I want to give up my life and join the Amish church. It is to legalistic for my taste. But the country living and family working together on a farm sounds charming, though mighty hard work.

I don't know if Beverly Lewis is writing any more in the Home to Hickory Hollow series or not but I love her writing and have other books of her still to read.