A review by slc333
Floored by Ainslie Paton


1.5 stars. DNF at 50 % because I was so freaking bored and I didn't like either of the characters.

I disliked Sean/Fetch with his controlling, manipulative behaviour. And owning the fact that you are controlling and manipluative doesn't make it any better unless you make the attempt to change.

Cait annoyed with her wishy washy back n forth:
- 'No I don't want anything to do with you I shall try to run away' and 'What do you mean you will hire a car and I can go - how dare you try to leave without finishing our deal'.
- 'the rules are sit in the back and don't talk to me'"why aren't you talking to me?"
Then it was all 'I hate you' "I want to sleep with you' "You rejected me, I hate you'
"I don't trust you" "Here is my life story that I don't share with anyone".

It was very irritating.