A review by kayla_llbr
True Love Story by Willow Aster


*MORE REVIEWS @ www.mybookmuse.com


Wow. I have been itching to read this book since reading the 1st chapter preview at the end of Tarryn Fisher's 'Dirty Red' and I can happily say that True Love Story did not disappoint. I loved this book for these reasons

  • Likeable heroine

  • Swoon worthy guy

  • Sizzling chemistry

  • Realistic situations/plot

  • Beautiful writing

  • Intense angsty love ✓✓✓

The story starts out present day when Sparrow encounters Ian again for the first time in over a year....
"It has been a year, two months and seventeen days since I last saw him. Two years, ten months, and five days since he broke my heart- well I knew that he had broken my heart. Technically, he began breaking my heart the moment I met him, five years, eleven months, and one day ago."

You know there is a good amount of angst to be had when a chick is counting to the day the moment you did her wrong. tumblr_m3yybn7aTa1r95m39o1_400

Then we are pushed back to Sparrow's past on the day she meets Ian. Sparrow is 18 years old and planning to move from her home in San Jose, California to New York City to attend NYU. At 5'9 and being the daughter of a pastor, Sparrow looks and acts wise beyond her years. She is funny and endearing (loved her inner dialogue) and has a good head on her shoulders. Despite her wonderful relationship with her family, and a boyfriend her parents adore, Sparrow wants more...


(My version of Sparrow)

Sparrow is the quintessential girl next door. But that all changes the moment she meets Ian....
"He's staring down into me eyes. The way he looks at me, I feel exposed, raw, awake.....I've been looking for you, his eyes are saying.
You've found me now, I'm certain my eyes are responding"


(Ian doesn't wear glasses but this guy is MY version of Ian)

While Sparrow is the girl next door, Ian Sterling is anything but. Ian is the man your mother warns you about; the ultimate bad boy. Thick dark hair, soulful eyes, wicked mouth, and a musician. Yes ladies, we have hit the hot boy jackpot.



But Sparrow and Ian are not your average couple and this is not your average love story. They face many obstacles along the way: Sparrow's boyfriend, age, distance, temptation, commitment, Ian's hot & cold attitude...


Yes Lizzy Maguire, voice of reason, me and Sparrow agree too!

But the story moves along and we see the evolution of these two individuals together and apart. Their relationship is an all consuming passionate love affair. There were moments where Ian made me melt....
"Your mouth, though, that's my favorite. Your lips. Your smile. When you smile, everything fades away."

...and just like every passionate all consuming love, well it has to go wrong at some point....


I spent the majority of the time reading with a kleenex in my hand and tears in my eyes. We see what these events lead up to and how both Sparrow and Ian change. I don't want to spoil this for you so I won't go any further but be prepared to question yourself after each page. Do you believe in forgiveness? Redemption? Fate? And most of all, is love enough?



Willow Aster's debut novel is a powerful, intense, and beautiful story about love in all its forms. The good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Willow's writing is a breathe of fresh air in a time where us readers are experiencing a flux in recycled plots and forgettable characters. Her descriptions of love, heartbreak, sorrow and regret were felt long after I put my kindle down. If you want a story that will tug on your heart and stick with you long after the last page is turn, I cannot recommend True Love Story enough.


Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars


Favorite Quotes:
"He reaches over and grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. "You're gonna break my heart, Sparrow Fisher." And I think, not before you break mine."


"His eyes fill and for a moment, he doesn't look nineteen. He doesn't look thirty. I see what he will look like at sixty and it torments me."


"I cry for the day I ever met him and thought I could handle someone like him. I cry that the girl he met in the restaurant is long gone. And I cry because I don't know what to do with this person that's left."

4 stars*