A review by candicodeit
Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything by Alexandra Carter


I originally checked out the sample for this book. It seemed interesting. I feel like I’m not always outspoken so I could always use some additional communication skills. I started listening to the first few chapters on Scribd and realized I just needed a hard copy to reference. If you think this book is just for negotiating your salary, this is soooo much more! Negotiating is a part of anything. With your significant other. With your kids. With your coworkers. With clients or patients. The list is endless. If you feel like you’re not good at negotiating, this book is for you. Alexandra goes through difference uses of negotiating. Her experience with mediation has helped her write this book. It has so much real life application that it can apply to anyone!

I really enjoyed this book and excited to see how my first negotiation turns out. This is a perfect book to gift someone!