A review by shoggoth_roof
The Waste Land and Other Poems by T.S. Eliot


Reading Eliot is always a pleasure and listening to him reading his poems is totally awesome! I just love the way he reads them and his voice. I have read him while I was at university and I thought it was a good time to re-read some of his poems when I found this book on the library. Amazing as always. The only "bad thing" is that this edition is the kind of "selected poems" and not a whole book that Eliot wrote that way. A must-read poet.

Desde que terminé la universidad no había vuelto a tocar a Eliot, y al verlo en la biblioteca pensé que este pequeño libro sería una buena forma de retomar el contacto. Personalmente me gusta leer los poemas mientras escucho a su autor, y por suerte la mayoría de los aquí recopilatorios fueron grabados y se encuentran en Youtube. Comentar también que poemas como "Marina" tienen una fuerza tremenda y que no os dejarán indiferentes. Uno de los obligatorios.