A review by kirkw1972
The Blood Road by Stuart MacBride


'm a latecomer to this series. I read A Dark so Deadly a wile back then started on the McRae series. I read Cold Granite just last week and still have the ones in between that and this latest one so some of the questions I have will no doubt be answered as I play catch but I did like the continuation from Book 1 to it's conclusion here with the Livestock Mart - the market for selling children. 

This is another instance where I've read an ARC from netgalley and then had to go out and get the remaining books as I find yet more new favourite authors. This, like the first and I assume the rest is full of dark humour as McRae and colleagues try and solve the murder of DI Bell for the second time as well as tracking down this mysterious market. You'd need a sense of humour in those circumstances. 

It moves along at quite a good pace, my interest was captured from start to finish and if it wasn't for the fact that Kindle Fire battery life is rubbish I'd have probably read it all in one go. 

This is fast turning into a must read series. Completely engaging, fantastic and I love the characters.