A review by gmrickel
Bitch Planet #6 by Valentine De Landro, Taki Soma, Kelly Sue DeConnick


Initial thoughts review: ok, I think I am developing a preference for the character back stories. Not a huge surprise, I love a good origin story more than just about any other kind. This and the Penny issue just hit so deep! Also, another fantastic essay and I'm excited to read the works it referenced. Also, Danielle did such a good job hitting all the points in her reply to Stephen. Many of Danielle's points were in my mind when reading Stephen's letter, but mostly I just glared at the page and got angry. Earlier today I was discussing with my sister how we can communicate to educate, rather than just communicate our anger which tends to be met with our "student" shutting is out. Anyway, I'm glad my reading of this issue times out so well, offering the same day as my conversation with my sister. More to think about, as always with Bitch Planet.