A review by bookthia
The Vision of Emma Blau by Ursula Hegi


This was a good book, although not as good as Stones from the River, by the same author. I wouldn't call this a 'sequel' although there is some character overlap. The two books stand alone though. The strength of this book lies in its characters. Everyone is likeable yet flawed, but not overly-flawed. Some, more flawed than others. Some, more likeable than others. Even the "bit" characters are wonderful. I especially liked the way the characters interacted. How they loved and fought like real people -- the relationships were very believable. My favorite character was Helene Montag/Blau. She was wonderfully human. Impetuous and dreamy, self-conscious and yet confident, petty and generous at the same time, loving but still holding back her love too. I would love her if I were ever to meet her in real life. The story itself was fine -- it kept my attention and I liked the way the house became a character unto itself. I struggled with the part of the story about Emma as an adult... it just didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the book, and I had a hard time immagining Emma allowing that to happen to herself. But maybe that's supposed to be the tragedy of it.Anyhow, very good book.