A review by nataliecummings
Darkness Embraced by Tillie Cole


“The White Prince and the cartel princess. It made no sense. Two people, who were never meant to be, found in the other their soulmate. The half of their heart that had yet to be claimed.”

I swear I say this with every book but they just get better and better. I was intrigued when Tanner joined the Hangman from the KkK and was super interested in his story and his forbidden love. Adelita is such an interesting character and as a cartel princess she has led a sheltered life until she meets Tanner and even though they are meant to hate each other they can’t deny their connection to each other. With no way to be together Tanner vows that he’ll come back for her and they can be together. 2 years later Adelita is forced to marry and with the ongoing war between the Hangman and the Klan with the cartel on the side the Hangman plan to steal the bride. When Tanner finds out it is Adelita he’ll do anything for them to be together.

“You hated me when we first met. On sight.” “You fucking destroyed me. One look at you fucking ruined me.”

The way Tillie Cole weaves these characters together and continuing drops things that make my jaw drop. The way the brothers will do anything for each other and their families. The way all these characters become connected and the plots of these stories just e me hooked from the very first page. I loved the forbidden vibes and Tanners need to do anything for Adelita. He left the life he knew behind to make a life for them and a way for them to be together. His and Tanks relationship is so heartwarming. I love everything about this world and this series. I love that these men love and love hard. They have no reservations. There isn’t any sort of conflict between the couples just doing whatever they can to be together. Adelita was such a strong female character despite everything that she has been through and wants to protect Tanner as much as he does her.

“If the world doesn’t want us together, then we have to find a place that does. I want no one else, baby. You’re it. You’ve always been it.”

5/5 ⭐️