A review by carmenere
Dear Cyborgs by Eugene Lim


."Today's puzzler. Enforced inescapable automatic insidious complicity. On the horizon no viable just alternative and no path toward one. All proposals thus far fanciful, impossible, doomed." And so opens the story of Vu and his friend, the unnamed narrator, two Asian kids living in Ohio and feeling like outcasts at school. Facing bigotry and xenophobia, they find solace in comic books. Up to the narrator moving out of the neighborhood, it was a run of the mill coming of age story. What happened after that, I'm not quite sure. I truly believe there is a story within these pages but the fog is so dense I wasn't able to see it. The story became confusing and ungrounded. The names of new characters were dropped but seemed one dimensional. Without connections, the remainder of the story consisted of words. If you remain for the conclusion, you may come to realize, as I did, that there is, indeed, a story within these pages. Now, that the reader feels as if there is a foundation, a second read may reveal the entire story.