A review by mcquaden
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan


So first off, I have a problem with this book. This is kind of for most fantasy books, so authors, pay attention.

TW for sexual assault - our first encounter with Thrace (a small town girl living in a looooonely world cause a monster came and ate her familyyyyyy) is her waking up to a man stealing her money, and then proceeding to try and assult her. I have said this before and I will say it again: I am sick to DEATH of women in books being needlessly assulted like this. This entire scene adds NOTHING to the rest of the plot of the book. In fact, Thrace herself barely addresses it. After Royce and Hadrian save her from her aggresser, she does pass out (combo of lack of sleep, food, and fear) but after that she never says anything about it or shows that it affected her. The only reason why it is there is for 'authenticity', because this a fantasy novel set back in the times where women were seen as lesser than (which is another problem that I have - you have magic, you have a flying serpent, why is it so hard to imagine a world where women were not oppressed? I'm done with this shit guys, I really am). You can have an amazing story with female characters who's main obstacle isn't sexism. Or, if you do have it, show how the characters grow despite of it, or grow out of it. A lot of the time you see characters who either never unlearn their prejudices, or characters who have never had that prejudice in the first place. Both are unbelievable, as people do change over the course of events. If you are going to have a sexist regime, show the characters fighting back, and succeeding. Show me growth, revolution, evolution of the society.

Okay rant over. Besides that fact, I did really like this book. It's really starting to remind me of the fellowship from Lord of the Rings (mmm you see it right?). I will say a lot of the plot was predictable, though very enjoyable to the last. Also I am HERE for Mangus's and Royce's tentative friendship. I know it'll be a lil awkward seeing as Mangus did kill Ulrich's father, but like eh what's a little stabby daddy among friends?