A review by skolastic
Secret Warriors: The Complete Collection, Volume 1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Gianluca Gugliotta, Jonathan Hickman, Alessandro Vitti, Ed McGuinness, Stefano Caselli


This was originally one of Hickman's titles that I wasn't really interested in, but then I heard that Agents of SHIELD was going to be drawing from this and my interest was piqued.

I have some complaints - the main team characters don't really seem all that developed, and in general this feels like a lot of setting up of the pieces and very little actual action. However, the sheer Byzantine nuttiness of the plot (what's Fury's plan? what does Leviathan want? why are they all weird bug-squid people? what's with the Zodiac thing?) kind of makes up for this and kept me enthralled. The art is just kind of serviceable - there's very little that actually wowed me - but I'm intrigued enough to hunt down volume 2.