A review by dylansdream
The Undisputed Greatest Writer of All Time: A Collection of Poetry by Beau Sia


i love poetry and i read it quite a lot, yet i always find poetry books hard to review. i bought this book because my all time favorite poet (and actress) Amber Tamblyn said everyone should read it, actually i think she said every man should read it but women too, and i agree. Beau Sia is chinese-filipino descent slam poet from Oklahoma. his style is humorous and satirical yet brutally honest and to the point. he writes about feminism, his life as an Asian American and about writing, and what writing means to him. especially what writing means to him now since he was recently in a severe car accident that affected his brain and the way he writes.

i absolutely loved this book, it's funny and moving, Beau Sia is amazingly talented and i really hope his next book will take less than thirteen years to write. i honestly do think every man, and woman should read this, and especially everyone who loves to write and everyone who eves worries what their writing is worth.

(also the cover is amazing and the picture doesn't do it justice.)