A review by kathydubs10
The Assistants by Camille Perri


This book was exactly as described on the book jacket - like if the cast of Girls on HBO were capable of larceny and blackmail. Being a huge fan of the show, it's no surprise I liked this book. Even though it's not the best plot I've ever read, the story was still so different form books I normally read and plots I usually follow. I also love that the love story in the book wasn't central and wasn't given more spotlight than it needed. The balance there was just right. I really liked Tina as the narrator and I liked how the author's voice came through in Tina's thoughts and the similes she used to describe things. That made the book easy to read, quick to get into, and funny. I didn't connect much to characters outside of Tina though. They were all mildly annoying, which I think Tina thought they were too, so maybe that was intentional? My one thing with this book was the fact that the resolution seemed too simple and quick, and did not seem realistic. Robert just let Emily go? I'm not too sure that's how it would have worked in the real world....but what do I know? Maybe it is realistic, but it wasn't satisfying to read. Same goes with the afterword - it all just seems too perfect and it seems like Tina and Robert's relationship was repaired a bit too nicely. Overall, a nice fun and quick read. I wouldn't mind reading a sequel, as the book is certainly set up for one.