A review by jscarpa14
Chaos by Jamie Shaw


I should have written about this one last night when I finished it but it was one of those allow yourself to be sleep-deprived because you have to finish it reads.

I really liked Kit, how she was this contradiction of hard and soft, secrets and truths. I loved that she was just as bad ass as the men in the band even though she was dealing with the whole childhood idol thing being around them. I loved how Leti got his happy ending in this book as well. How it's about more than two rocking guitarists falling in love. It's about a girl finding about her place in a male dominated life as an equal, not just being one, but feeling like one. It's about the struggle of loving someone still in the closet because they're so afraid their family won't approve, that they have to sacrifice one love for another. It's about feeling like you have to keep secrets and the freedom of the truth. This story is just a lot of things that make it a truly wonderful read that I'd highly recommend.