A review by ali23
Fallen Crest Public by Tijan


I don't know how you do it but thank God you do!! What can I say about this amazing book? I mean seriously, this series just keeps getter better and better. I mean we finally got inside of Mason's head and let me just say if anyone ever doubted his love for Sam they should go kick rocks!! This book had everything you could ask for; from drama to love to mean girls. Seriously, it was that good. I don't want to give to much away, but Kate and her crew makes a splash, Mason does certain actions (for a reason) but it still makes your heart beat more than it should, Sam is back to kicking butt, No Analise in this book but she is mentioned in the end, and I am glad there was no Becky, Adam, Jessica, and Lydia in this book because they all annoyed me!! I felt Becky was a flake and doesn't deserve Sam's friendship. Logan is Logan and you love him more in this book; I really want him to have his "it" girl but after reading the ending, and yes people it is a cliffhanger it broke my heart! I was hoping it would not come to this but it has. My only plea is to please please dont make Sam choose or have a love triangle!!! Mason and Sam fits perfectly they're eachother anchor and their love for eachother is soo strong and I would hate for Mason to be hurt and Logan as well. I pray that whatever feelings Logan has for Sam it is misunderstood for a longing he always wanted in Tate (the fool) but never got and is jealous of the relationship of Mason and Sam but in a I wish I had that not I want Sam type of thing. Sigh.... Tijan why oh why do you continue to torture us with your amazing writing and characters.