A review by gothamvorona
Red Night: Xavier's Delight by Kitty King


Haven't done any reviews for a few weeks which is my bad but now I am here to let you know my thoughts and feelings.

The main reason I picked this book up was because of TikTok which I have already said was a horrible thing to do and I wasn't going to do anymore - but I did. I've had more time to reflect on this book....and read more books that may or may not be better...and the more I think of it, the more I grew to dislike my experience with the book.

(spoilers below)
Xavier is actually crazy without any reason why. I think he would have been a bit more redeemable if he had had that tragic backstory. But no, he was a spoiled rich boy who had already set forth who/what he wanted and he wasn't going to be told no. The whole reason he started to stalk Marissa was weird from the get go and just fizzled out like nothing because he literally did nothing for his sister but for himself. Marissa wasn't even a part of the thing but he had to make her a part of it for his own selfish needs. Boring. Overdone.

His whole demeanor throughout the book was creepy. He took her wherever he wanted and did/said whatever he wanted without her consent. Not book okay way, just gross.

Marissa was okay as a MC, she just didn't really bring anything to the table. She was foldable and easily manipulated but you also felt pity for her from what Xavier was doing. He gaslight girlbossed her so hard it wasn't funny. Her friends were the absolute worst.

The beginning was cringey but good until you get about 80% of the way through. That is when the story goes from okay to absolutely horrible. I can't say the author did bad though because she made me feel so many emotions and I was invested to read the end. That being said, I will never enjoy a book where a psycho tries to forcibly impregnate a woman by switching out pills and without her knowledge/consent. Then to also leave her in an isolated room and feed her cum until she agrees to become pregnant by you?? what the fuck. pure disgusting to me. I've read a lot of dark romances and this is up there for upsetting.

(spoilers end)

That all being said, read it if you dare because one major point for this book is that there is a lot of smut and its good smut. Maybe just has an overuse of kitten type words but it's good.