A review by goldenbooksgirl
D-Day Dog by Tom Palmer, Tom Clohosy Cole


This is the story of a boy named Jack, who is alive in the present day and very attached to his dog Finn, as he researches the story of a paratrooper with a canine companion for a school project while he is also forced to navigate changes to his family life. I thought the way in which the book explored war was really sensitive and interesting- and I loved the way it questioned the morality of the very concept of war and certain specific situations relating to, while simultaneously recognising the bravery of those who serve in the army. I also loved how much the book celebrated dogs and how what wonderful, loyal companions they are. Jack`s character development throughout was another highlight, as were the secondary characters of his friends, the bus driver and his wonderful, compassionate teacher. It was even more interesting to learn that Emile Corteil and Glen were real people and their story actually happened too, as it was an area of the war I`d never seen explored before. I definitely cried as much as I predicted I would while reading this, and it was overall a moving and compelling short read that I devoured. 4.5/5