A review by kimu23
The Man or the Monster by Aamna Qureshi



I was going to give this a 3 stars just to be kind but the ending ruined my mood.

The positives :
  1. The romance. It's clear that Aamna Qureshi is a talented romance writer because the romance is the best thing that came out of this series. Asfandyar and Durkhanai relationship are very beautiful and emotional to read.
  2. Durkhanai's writing disappointed me in this book. Nevertheless, I always like angry female character.

The negatives :
  1. I don't particularly care for dual POVs but I believed this book would benefited if we can read outside of Durkhanai's POV. We did occasionally get Asfandyar's POV but it wasn't enough.
  2. The pacing.
    The romance (which is the best part of this series) took a backseat in this book so there are a lot of 'politic intrigues' and Durkhanai trying to heal from broken heart. Unfortunately  it was very boring. I was struggling to stay interested until 60% of the book.
  3. The anticlimatic plot. 
    Wakdar's rebellion was the biggest part of this series. Durkhanai's family conflict was build up from the first book to most of the second book. Only for it to end so anticlimatic. The big plot ends easily and cleanly. It literally ends at 60% of the book and after that it was about Durkhanai's life as the ruler (which is also boring because everything is going smoothly).
  4. Saifullah and Zarmina.
    Durkhanai's traitor cousins, yet Durkhanai forgave them so easily. The series keeps telling us that Durkhanai is cursed to be always vengeful etc... yet it never actually shows it. She forgave Saifullah in one page only when that guy is involved with Asfandyar in tricking her in the first book.
  5. The ending.
    Basically Durkhanai needs to go on trial to prove she is innocent and not cursed. This happened at 91% of the book btw. Everything is solved and the series needs to end so why does the author sees the need to add another conflict?? Not only that, Durkhanai was killed off by the lion in the real ending. The main protagonist got killed off in one sentence at the end. Everything that she had done is pointless now. Then to 'soothe' the readers, Aamna Qureshi made another ending immediately by giving a perfect fairy tale ending for the series. A fucking joke.

I would still give this a 3 stars had it not been for the ending. Just for the romance and because I felt bad for the author if I give this a low rating. However that ending annoyed me so fucking much, I regret spending money on this book.