A review by chroniclesofabookreader
The Best Medicine by Elizabeth Hayley


A sweet and sexy new contemporary romance that has a sassy, snarky main character who defies the normal heroine-type, and a cocky, but sweet hero who has all the pieces to make you like him.

“He stopped beside her, leaning in slightly, but not enough to draw attention. ‘You do that again, and I’ll have you bent over in front of me. And I don’t care whether your friends are watching or not.'”

Lauren isn’t one to back down from a fight, and so she’s been in a few of them. Her most recent one requires she get a job to pay off the damages she owes…which means she needs something fast. When her mom asks her boss to get her a job, she isn’t expecting the doctor to be so sexy, but also entirely too cocky for his own good. She can read him pretty well so she uses that to her advantage. Using what she knows of psychology as she’s currently in school for a Masters, she sets out to challenge him. This challenge opens up a Pandora’s box of sexual tension between them that can’t be contained. Lauren was a very enjoyable heroine. She was kicka$$ in her ability to say what’s on her mind, and not back down, but to also let others in, too. She was able to be both strong and weak (in the best sense of the word) at the same time. I liked her brass balls and that she had a smart mind.

“‘I meant what I said, Lo.’
‘About what?’ Her voice was low, husky.
‘I don’t do relationships. At least not in the traditional sense. I’m not going to lie: I want you. So if you decide to walk down this road with me, you need to know that there’s no happily ever after at the end of it. No love or prolonged commitments. It’ll be raw and consuming, but eventually it’ll be over. Can you handle that?'”

Scott (or Doctor Scott, I should say) has reasons for only wanting women in the sexual sense. He’s strong in what he wants and how he’s going to get it, and the immediate fire he gets from Lauren on their first meeting completely excites him. He has found an equal adversary to play his game and it turns him on. For being a young doctor, at 29 years of age, and for his reasons for not wanting emotional closeness, he was still reachable. He wasn’t broody or closed off–he was still playful and fun. I enjoyed his need for her and his ability to take as good as he gave.

“‘If you weren’t so f*@king beautiful, I’d throw you against this wall and take you from behind. But I need to see you,’ he groaned, ‘because nothing is sexier than seeing your face when I’m inside you.'”

A boss/employee love story that was so much more. Instantly there was a spark between them that made you see them as equals. You felt they were connected on one level without even knowing it, and it brought a passion that was unexstinguishable. It was witty and cute, and considering that I found out at the end that this is two writers, not one, I was amazed at how it felt like one voice. I never once felt like there was unnecessary drama or angst, it was all a passionate, smooth ride with some fun and bumps along the way. A well-written first in a new series.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**