A review by tita_noir
Demons Not Included by Cheyenne McCray

Did not finish book.
Stilted dialogue. A heroine who tries too hard to be Kick Ass!! a story that I could not even be bothered to care about even 100 pages in.

But the real reason I gave up on this book is the Xphone. Xphone? What is an Xphone you ask? Well it is obviously smart phone (with a stylus). But it was mentioned, like, 40 times in the first few chapters.

"I drew my slim Xphone from my Dolce & Gabbana handbag"

"The Xphone screen felt like cool gel beneath my index finger"

"I shifted so I could set my XPhone on a clear space on my desk"

"I'd use my stylus to scribble a few thoughts on my XPhone"

"I scrambled to throw my XPhone into my purse and tug on my light Fendi jacket"

Btw, those quotes above...all within eight pages of each other...and I even left out quite a few.