A review by catsflipped
Acceptable Risk by Robin Cook


This book really surprised me, I didn't know what to expect and was reading it to fulfil a challenge category so it was picked for it's title and I hadn't actually read a synposis.

Well it's starts off at the latter end of the 16th century and you witness the beginnings of the Salem witch trials, Elizabeth immediately become your heroine. Before you know it you've skipped forward 300 years and you meet Kim, a direct decendant of Elizabeth and as the you turn the pages you are willing Kim on to find out what really happened to Elizabeth and why the 'evidence' against her has been kept a secret all these years.

Strangely what I got out of this book was not what the description says. It is billed as a race to find a new drug and Edward is given top billing. Well for me he had a minor role, Kim and Elizabeth's memory take front and centre and I could not stop turning pages to find out the truth.

Great book very worthy of 5 stars