A review by kazza248
What She Did by Kate Gable


The sign of a good mystery writer is when you haven't a clue who did it and even though everything pointed at Erin, I knew she didn't do it, but had no idea who did or why, as you work your way through the book you are more confused as to who did murder Erin's ex husband and his new wife, everything points at her but she doesn't even remember why or how she got there.

For Charlotte and Will this was a really hard case to crack as Erin was the primary suspect but neither of them believed that she had done it, but if it wasn't her then who and why? Nothing added up and everyone seemed to be on Erin's side, to prove her innocent but they were no nearer to who had committed the murders.

I could say so much more about this book but wont, you have to read it yourself and see if you can work it out! I can usually work out who had done it but not this time, great writing, great plot, great story, its a must read.

Brilliant start to this series I cant wait for more! a really compelling read, you just cant put it down!