A review by rihoward
Scarred Regrets by Adelaide Forrest



I had to mull this review over for a couple of days after finishing this story because it was, for lack of a better word, intense. It left me with a maelstrom of emotions. Since I first discovered this author, I have fallen in love with the characters and world that she has created. Every character has had a story to tell. Yet, I am not sure that any single character had as much of a story to tell as Scar did, and ultimately, Irina.

This story started out rough. Holy hell, did it start out rough. Finally, having the backstory of what had shaped this beautiful man almost broke me. I am so glad that he found his way into the Bellandi family. He deserved that.

This book, told in dual POV, shared insights into both of these characters. This made the story flow in a way that made sense of the spark or connection that Scar and Irina had and why it was a constant push-pull. Initially, it was Scar's baggage that doomed them because he was resigned to living life a certain way because he felt unworthy for a plethora of reasons. After Irina's trauma, it became apparent that no one was going to help her heal except for him because they mirrored each other in trauma and the guilt that was associated with that particular trauma. Sad, as that was, I don't think Scar would have ever come around until he actually saw that his broken pieces fit nicely around hers.

This book was a little different because it didn't have the main hero being all caveman and forcing a wedding or pregnancy on the heroine and that was okay because the author deviated from that in a way that was necessary for these two characters. Did I miss it in a way? Yes, because that is what I have come to expect from this author. However, after mulling this over for the past few days, these characters have stayed with me because of how they healed each other. It wouldn't have worked had Scar behaved like Mateo, Ryker, or most especially, Rafe. The love that Scar and Irinia had for each other was a reminder that from darkness comes light and that even beauty can shine in the darkest of places. There is power in that kind of love and these two characters sure deserved it.

I was pleased to see that the author took her time and carefully navigated the healing process for Irina instead of just glossing it over or moving at warp speed and she was miraculously healed. I think that this was, especially, important because this moment was pivotal for a plethora of reasons, and not just for Scar to have to come face to face to his demons. This moment, in particular, was a catalyst in forging Irina into becoming a force to be reckoned with. She was born from those ashes and it was a joy to watch her take ownership over her identity. Many women would have been crippled by what she endured but seeing her rise was everything.

I was SHOCKED by the twist at the end. It made my heart hurt for Irinia and her pure heart. It did leave me with a few questions that weren't answered but I have let those go because they weren't worth me stressing over. The pivotal moments towards the end of the book had me clutching my chest fearful of a certain outcome. I am not sure that I will forgive the author for that heart attack for a while.

It was great seeing cameos of some of my favorite characters of the past. They are all so different but I sure love their kind of crazy. I did have a few areas of the story that I struggled with, more so because I didn't feel like they added to the story itself, but they were not enough to not make this a great addition to this incredible world that this author has created.

I highly recommend this book, but please be advised; There are triggers. This wasn't an easy story to read. However, the bumpy ride was worth it to see how these two survived the unimaginable and not only persevered but took names. It was, again for lack of a better word, intense.