A review by aliciafromtheashes
Afterburn & Aftershock: Cosmo Red-Hot Reads from Harlequin by Sylvia Day


3 out of 5 stars.

This isn’t an easy rating for me, so I want to mention up front that I’m giving it based on the combination of both books together. Individually, I ranked them each a two and in truth I was being a bit lenient when I did that. I’ll explain more in a second, but first let’s discuss the basic premise.

So we have Gia who comes from an Italian family with very close ties, and Gideon, I mean Jax, who is a wealthy bachelor. His wealthy family has a background in politics, and they play the game well. Jax gets caught up in the middle of it. They had a relationship for five months two years ago, and Jax left her hanging. Then suddenly, he shows up again.

Don’t worry. I didn’t spoil anything, you can get all of that from the blurb. For me, that was the best part of this book. I’m not going to spend my time bashing the story, because that’s not the type of reviews I offer. As an author, I know how hurtful it is to have someone tear down your work. As a reader, I also know that no book can ever be written to please everyone.

A big problem for me was that this story was written in two parts. It never should have been. I couldn’t get into the first book at all, and only read the second because I bought the book that had them both together. Thus, the reason I’m doing this review as if the story is one book.

So in the first half, Gia and Jax have sex. A lot. That’s pretty much all that happens. No, seriously. That’s all that happens. Well that and the thing that’s supposed to be a big plot line. The second half is a bit more interesting, but it still managed to fall flat for me.

I loved Sylvia Day’s Crossfire series. This book felt like it was all of the parts that she cut from that story thrown together at random. I just couldn’t find anything that gripped me. The characters weren’t developed enough for me. If she would’ve spent a little more time on the characters and a little less time on the sex scenes it would’ve been a much better book in my opinion. The plot also seemed majorly off in this one. It jumped around a lot, and there wasn’t much of a resolution. The climaxes weren’t all that climatic for me either. Again, I’m not going to tear the book apart piece by piece.

It had a lot of potential. It just didn’t quite live up to that for me. Sylvia Day is an extremely talented writer, however, and I will continue to support her work. This one just didn’t cut it for me.