A review by samidhak
Blood Harvest by Sharon Bolton


2/2.5 stars!!!
Initially, the book started with a bang. There were all the aspects of a horror/creepy plot in it that anyone could wish for.
There was a vicar, who had been appointed to open the church, after almost a decade of its lockdown.
There was little 10 year old boy, who could hear voices and strange things he was not supposed to see.
There was psychiatrist working on the case of a mother who had lost her child in the fire but never came to terms with it and believed that her daughter was still alive.
All these things were present which initially made me pick up the book.
It gave me the creeps, a lot of time. But the story was definitely slow to start and once it started I was pretty much done with it.
By the end of it I wasn't even interested in who was who and what happened to whom because I was so tired of the "additional plots" that were working in parallel with the main one.
For the first part there was an uncalled for love story. Like why would you do this? WHY?
Then there was the "extra " intelligence of the six year old. I mean like, no offense to six year olds but this six year old was not realistic in any way whatsoever.
The only thing left for him to do was solve the mystery himself and fire a gun. SERIOUSLY. He'd pretty much covered everything apart from that.
Same thoughts for the 10 year old.
Also, I felt the ending was so sudden. I mean, what? At least write a few pages about why you did what you did.
Little explanation hurt no body bro.
Overall, I was super enthusiastic to start this book but somewhere in the middle my excitement took a U-turn and I was left just trying to finish it.
The only thing that made me read the book was the fact that it had,real human feelings. Like,real fear which deteriorates you subtly, like actual infatuation not some teenager love and clichéd hormones, the psychologists mind and the mothers plight regarding her children and ... Psychopathy,and sorts. *insert funny face, for no reason*
All in all, a good read but not as much to keep you on the edge and make you read it in one go.