A review by laurla
The Sun Sword by Michelle West

he loved the plants, he had said, because they demanded nothing.
"they demand your care, your time, your attention; even though they are mute, they sepak to you."
"yes, but the answer i offer in return is of little consequence. they grow, with or without me."
she raised a brow, and he smiled.
"i did not say they grew well without me. but i am free to let them grow and wither in their season. they are my responsibility. but failure of that responsibility is one i can live with. i have no dreams of dying plants. i have no nightmares. they exist, they will continue to exist."
"but they will not love you, and they will not grieve. they do not care who tends them."
"i have no desire to cause grief. when i go, i would leave as much peace as the plants do."

"the dead are dead; they are no longer troubled by the means or the manner of their death. let them drive you, if you must. but let them drive you to a better place."

"he speaks only the truth."
"he meant to wound you."
"truth does. but it is a curious weapon; it cannot wound without my consent."

"i have offered advice, but advice is like rain; it falls, and what it causes to grow, i have no control over."