A review by booksforchristiangirls
Final Touch by Brandilyn Collins, Amberly Collins


About this book:

“The day Shaley O’Conner has dreamed of all her life is shattered by a nightmare.
On a lavish estate in California guarded from the media, Shaley’s mom, rock star Rayne O’Connor, is marrying her teen sweetheart and Shaley’s father, Gary Donovon. It’s a dream come true for Shaley, who has always longed for the father she never knew. But minutes before the wedding, Shaley is kidnapped.
Who is this man who has taken her—and why?
As Rayne and Gary race against time to find their daughter, Shaley’s abductor eludes the FBI at every turn. Fearing for her life, Shaley wills herself to stay strong. But as the days pass, she realizes that no one can save her but herself.”

Series: Book #3 (of three) in “The Rayne Tour”. Review of Book #1 Here! and Book #2 Here!

Spiritual Content- Many Prayers; ‘H’s are not capital when referring to God; Shaley & her parents are new Christians; Wondering why God would let bad things happen; Randy says he isn’t a praying man, but prays for Shaley; Many mentions of God; Many mentions of prayers & praying; Mentions of those in the Bible & Bible reading; Mentions of sins; A few mentions of churches;
*Note: Brittany has the ability to sense when something bad will happen; A cult, their “spiritual truth”, and false Christianity; The kidnapper says he is a prophet and he twists Scriptures and “calls on God”; Mentions of evil.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: five ‘stupid’s and nine ‘shut up’s; Many mentions of curses (said, not written); Shaley is kidnapped, pain, being hit, blood/bleeding, & guns are aimed (semi-detailed); Many mentions of blood (semi-detailed); Mentions of murders (Book #1); Mentions of deaths, suicides, & shootings (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of prison; Mentions of hatred & evil; A few mentions of people killing each other & drugs; A couple mentions of tattoos; A mention of throwing up; A mention of a toddler being kidnapped and killed.

Sexual Content- Cringes from unwanted touches; Shaley’s mother got pregnant at age seventeen (her parents are getting married in this book); A stalker who wants Shaley as his wife; A couple mentions of music that talks about sex; A couple mentions of a honeymoon.

-Shaley O’Conner, age 17
Switches between 1st person P.O.V. of Shaley, and 3rd of Brittany, Ranye, & Randy
210 pages

Pre Teens- One Star
New Teens- One Star
Early High School Teens- Two Stars
Older High School Teens- Three Stars
My personal Rating- Three Stars
Well, that was intense! My heart was racing from the beginning to the end. I honestly wish there had been a fourth book in this series about Shaley’s life after all of this. Hopefully not suspenseful, though. Just a calm life for the poor girl! I am glad that in this final book there wasn’t a lot of sexual content or mentions…that stalker was wacko enough! Definitely not a series for everybody.

Link to review:

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.