A review by steffi_au_penguinbooks
King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard


“Those who know what it's like in the dark will do anything to stay in the light.”

I have very mixed feelings about King's Cage. Last year, I did like RG. It wasn't not the most original story, but I did like it in total. GS was terrible: typical middle book where nothing happens, a super annoying, selfish and stupid main heroine and a flat written villaine.
Now, KC had been a mixture of both, RG and GS.

There were some parts in this book, where I had that exciting feeling while reading RG. I was kid of surprise how a special event went and especialmy how well written Maven has been in this on.
Sadly, this scenes weren't that much. Again, many long monologues, the story did not really go further and I was bored.
At first I was completely confused about the different POVs. Mare and Cameron?! After a year, I had no clue at all who Cameron was and why she had her own POV (although I'm now happy she had her own chapters, she was actually quiet refreshing after Mare's boring chapters).

Further, I will probably never like Mare. First she regreats her actions, all her mistakes, the consequences of the said mistakes. However, soon, this girl was as stupid as always. Temporarily selfish again. I hated these moments when she (and Cal) thought, Maven would not hurt her, he loves her etc. Are we talking about the same guy that ordered a baby to be killed?! I know Elara had a hugh impact on him, but that doesn't change how he is now. Ugh. Thus, does she even know what love is? The lovestory ... I don't feel it all. Honestly, there was a moment where I even felt embarrassed to read, just thinking "what the ... that came out of nowhere, totally unexpected".
It would fit more if Mare won't have a guy at the end of books ... I'm shipping her neither with Cal nor with Maven.
As for Cal ... first he's a coward again, not wanting to hurt silvers but well ... nevermind Cal.

Maven was definitely my highlight in this one. As I wrote before, he was really well written, thankfully. He showed how twisted and broken he is, the consequences of what his own mother did to him, what he became. He's a psycho, and I really liked how he played his role in this one.

As for the ending ... ugh. I really wanted to throw the book at the wall. I wasn't too surprised, but well ...

Mabye I shouldn't have too high expectations, but I still hope this book will get a good ending.

3 stars