A review by shanyreader
Sovay by Celia Rees


Woot...what is there to say about this baby?

Not much to the positive side.

A-- The love interests. OMG! I didn't know who to ship with who! There was Toby and Sovay, but they ended up as friends. Greenwood would have been the most likely choice--but obviously he couldn't marry her because of status and his criminal status although he starts working HONESTLY by the end, there's Gabriel who's a perfect hottie devoted to her well-being except of course he has no space for a wife and kids in his life because he's so devoted to the revolution, and then there's the American who ALSO had a good chance and he seemed interested in her, but wow...he already has someone as they mentioned in ONE line at the end of the book. And so...who does that leave... >.> OH RIGHT! The French dude who shows up in the last fifty pages of the book!!! OBVIOUSLY! He's the least attractive but he and Sovay after sharing a romantic lunch start making out in the middle of somewhere and voila--*read in overly-dramatic voice* she is HIS, body and soul. Dude...like...NO. Like...NO! You don't do that to people! We barely got anything from him and already he claimed our heroine? -.-

B- Wow...nice way to end Dysart. Instead of our heroine defeating him, they go through a pointless scene with a forger who betrays them...and for what? For Dysart to get arrested and die anyway in something that had nothing to do with Sovay...she was SOME help. Spent most of that time being useless in prison.

C-- The way the story is told/writing style. Now, I don't mind descriptive language--but there comes a time...when you have to put story and not pointless detail to every.single.little.thing.that.exists. It slowed everything down.

D-- The characters. Talk...about...shallow, over-crowding, forgetful...

E-- Good-grief. I regret picking it up. I thought it would be full of action and adventure...but geez, it went so many places and did so many things and Sovay...I was just dissapointed.

I'm so sorry for not liking this book Ms. Rees :(