A review by ravensandlace
From Fame to Ruin by Jina S. Bazzar

challenging dark tense medium-paced


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I have been writing reviews since 2016 roughly and yet I never know how to start them. Sometimes the words click and I’m able to come up with a good introduction. But normally that happens when I dislike a book. I often have a harder time coming up with introductions for books I really liked. You would think I would have figured out the secret by now but I haven’t. So I’ll just jump right in. 

I really enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I was going to. I expected a gritty and tense novel, sure, but not to this extent. The amount of angst and tension in this book between the MCs was insane. There were a couple times I had to just set my Kindle down because the angst was too much. I literally felt like jumping out of my body because the angst was so much. But it was a good thing, I promise. 

I loved the way the book was written. It was told with the past and present with both Carol and Ricardo getting equal amounts of page time so we got an idea of everything that happened between them and what was causing the crazy amount of angst we were experiencing. We experienced everything, the tension, the passion, the angst. Everything! 

Both MCs were great on their own but oh my lord, they were so damn stubborn. I didn’t really have a favorite, I liked them both equally. There were so many times I just wanted to smack the heck out of them and force them to just communicate. 

Overall, this was a great book. While the angst was a bit much at times, I was hooked on this book and truly didn’t want to put it down even though I had to several times. It was so different then what I normally read and I can’t wait to see what else this author has in store. 

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