A review by amyiw
Bear Attraction by Jennifer Ashley


Over all I liked the idea of the book and the plot but it didn't come of smoothly. First this is a paranormal romance and the two main characters are thinking of each other a lot but a kiss is all you get... until the end, the very end. And with that ending, it just wasn't a very good romance. So I go to the storyline and the plot. Really that is what holds this novella together. The biggest problem was the last minute, and amazing, saves,
Spoiler First she is held by the questionable free cat shifter, and told that really they had no choice but to kill them to, they are in a holding cell and are hurt. Why didn't he just kill them after all that? Didn't make sense. Then the guy blows the building, which at first pissed me off as I thought that he had killed himself and the children but no it was an escape. Two the rubble came down on the main character, yet he, human as he is, survives it.
it brought even the pretty good story that was going on, down to an unbelievable ending. It was good but not up to the other stories in the series.