A review by elementarymydear
Jiddy Vardy by Ruth Estevez


 This was SUCH an enjoyable read, that just got better and better as it went on!

From the opening chapter you’re thrown straight into the action, and the pace did not let up until the very end. It was so immersive and atmospheric, and this is a setting I love too, so there was no way I wasn’t going to be obsessed!


We follow Jiddy from birth to her late teens, as she finds out more about her past, about her hometown, and about the people she called family. I found the last few chapters particularly compelling, as more about Jiddy’s origins were uncovered.

While this was a brilliant self-contained story, it also teased at excitement to come in future instalments. As much as the sea was a central figure in this first book, I’m excited to see it feature more in the next two.

This was an absorbing, escapist read, perfect for historical fiction fans and lovers of the sea!

I received a free copy for an honest review.