A review by zhelana
Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective by Judith Plaskow


This book made some good points, but a lot of them I think were dated. But then... Then! She starts talking about how all gods are God, and we should just rename God Isis or Diana! I think she is missing a key bit of history about how people in Biblical times tried to make this argument and worship Canaanite gods and every single time they got smited (smote?) for it. This should be offensive to every Jew and is certainly offensive to most pagans, too. Her over reliance on Starhawk as a source makes me wonder if she is secretly a pagan out to end Judaism as we know it. Also, I don't think calling God "She" automatically sexualizes God. If we accept the very foundation of our believes: Adonai Echad, then there are no sexual partners for God and s/he can't be sexualized regardless of which pronouns you use.