A review by sairs_21
Humbugs and Heartstrings by Catherine Ferguson


This was such a fantastic feel good read! I am still thinking about it now over 24 hours after reading it and still feel all fuzzy and warm! It is one of those books you could read again when you feel down to cheer you up and get you in the festive mood. It is like a rom-com movie you want to watch again and again! Had life not got in the way I would have read this in one sitting no problem I didn't want to put it down!

Until about half way through I personally forgot about the Christmas theme it is referred to but I kind of forgot about it. In my opinion the theme did pick up more the further into the book I got but that just means that really it is a fab read for any time of year!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book as if you can't tell from the above. Seriously though it was really well written and I connected with the main character Bobbi straight away and with the all the other characters the more I got to know them. In parts I felt like I was reading about my own life and in others I actually wanted Bobbi's life! I rooted for Bobbi right from the beginning wanting everything to work out for her and well you will have to read and see if it really does but I promise you won't be disappointed!

I thought it was going to be the usual predictable romance tale which I love but I was kept guessing throughout wondering if it would really turn out the way I hoped or if I was just completely wrong in who I wanted to win. I won't tell you if I was right or not…..just go read it!

It made me laugh out loud, was a bit emotional in parts and definitely full of feel good cheeriness!

I can't wait to see what else this author writes and I will definitely be first in the queue to buy and read it!