A review by timmens59
The Potter's Field by Andrea Camilleri


After a couple of so-so mysteries, this one for me excelled in the melding of Salvo’s world, Camilleri’s ability to weave a mystery, and the realities of Sicilian and Italian life. And what fun was it to come upon Camilleri’s breaking of the fourth wall, so to speak. Mimi has taken a back seat in previous mysteries but in this one the author uses the character to possibly connect to the crime Montalbano is investigating. Fazio continues to be the inspector’s main go-to guy but Mimi is back in a way. Livia is pretty much absent, thank goodness and we get to focus on Montalbano’s genius in running the multiplication tables as a way of controlling his impatience and for adding up the clues into a solution. The meals of course make you hungry, the descriptions of Sicily make you want to move there all in spite of Camilleri’s incisive and biting commentary on Italian customs, politics and life. Enjoy.