A review by brendaoliva
Sirensong by Jenna Black


I liked this book but I was really hoping for something slightly better. The book itself wasn’t bad and I was really enjoying it up until the end. The end just felt really rushed to me. I feel like it was completely unnecessary to rush things and I would have liked a little more information before parting with the series which is the only reason why I didn’t love this book.

In this book Dana is still trying to adjust to her new life but knowing that she has the Erlking as an ally really does ease her up a little. That is until she begins to remember the deal she made with the Erlking in order to save Ethan. She still has many secrets that she hasn’t shared with anyone, including Ethan, but she somehow thinks that she can evade ever having to share those things. Prince Henry arrives in Avalon with a mandatory invitation for Dana and her father. The Seelie Queen, Titania, has invited Dana to Faerie to present her in court. However, Prince Henry has made it quite clear that if the invitation is declined it would imply that they were aiding Aunt Grace in her ill attempt to kill Titania. Before long, Dana, her father, Ethan, Kimber, Keane, and Finn set out on their journey into Faerie escorted and protected by Prince Henry. It doesn’t take long for Dana and her father to suspect Prince Henry of ill intentions after they are ambushed. When they finally make it to the palace, they are to be have dinner with Princess Elaine, Titania’s granddaughter, who will officially welcome them to the palace. When a bomb goes off, almost killing the Princess, Dana’s father urges her to run away. The only way that a bomb could be brought into Faerie is through a Faeriewalker and since Dana is the only Faeriewalker alive it is immediately assumed that she attempted to kill the Princess. Dana, Kimber, Ethan and Keane manage to escape and while they are in the woods Dana’s secrets start surfacing creating a strain between her and her friends. Dane soon realizes that since she is in Faerie the Erlking is free to hunt her, especially since Titania has surely given him permission to do so because she supposedly tried to kill the Princess. Ethan, Kimber and Keane get captured by the Knights the Queen sent after them and even though Dana knows that she should continue to go to Avalon to save herself she can’t bear to leave her friends and her father behind knowing that they might be executed for her alleged crime so she sets out on a mission to save them before she gets caught by Erlking. Dana is sure that Prince Henry was behind the Princess death attempt but she know that before she can face the Queen she needs to have proof and that might prove to be more difficult that she thought.

I really liked this series but I was a little disappointed by the writing style. The first book didn’t bother me whatsoever, the second book annoyed me a little, but the last book was irritating at times. I hate how Dana keeps recounting the preceding books. I understand that there might be the need to mention prior events from the previous books but it seems like Dana is trying to explain what a Faerie is and what a Faeriewalker can do and this is something you learn from the previous books and it is so redundant. I also hated how at times it seemed like Dana was narrating her story but then it would seem as though she’s talking directly to the reader the same way James Patterson’s “Confessions of a Murder Suspect” does. I’ve never really criticized an author’s writing style because I am not a writer and I don’t read books to analyze the writing. I read books because I enjoy losing myself in foreign and fantastic worlds but I really feel like the author’s writing style is worth mentioning this time. Keane was vaguely introduced during the first book and during the second book it seemed like he might have some interested in Dana thus creating a love triangle in the story but the third book seemed to completely deviate from that. I don’t care either way for love triangles but I feel that if the author was taking the story in that direction than it should have been developed otherwise it was completely irrelevant to even suggest that a love triangle might be in the midst. I feel that if you plant an idea then you need to go with that idea otherwise it’s a complete waste of time. I started reading the last book under the impression that Kimber liked Keane who liked Dana who liked Ethan which was certainly a recipe for disaster when you have those four characters trying to work together to survive but again, the implication of a love triangle during the previous books never really played out in this book. Dana and Ethan are together and even though there is some rivalry between Ethan and Keane it doesn’t really seem that it’s because Keane has strong feeling for Dana but rather because Ethan stole Keane’s previous girlfriend. I don’t doubt that Keane might have thought Dana was pretty or attractive or that he might have been using her to get to Ethan but in my point of view it was not enough to imply that this was a love triangle which brings me Kimber liking Keane. It’s obvious that Kimber likes Keane because she’s made it pretty clear to Dana but Kimber never really reacted to anything that happened between Dana and Keane because nothing really happened! Kimber may be a Fae but she obviously has insecurity issue stemming from Ethan being the perfect and favorite child so if something that Dana or Keane did had even hinted the idea that Keane might like Dana I am 100% certain that Kimber would have picked up on that and things would have gotten complicated pretty quickly, but that didn’t happen. I was also expecting a physical confrontation involving Dana that might show all the skills that she acquired through training non-stop throughout all three books with Keane but that never happened either.

I know I sound very critical towards this book as oppose to the first two but it is because I loved this series that I am so critical. I think that I completely fell in love with this world that I began to critically analyze every piece of information that the author was presenting and when the information began to seem irrelevant I or when it wasn’t being used, I noticed. Overall I did enjoy the book and I thought that Dana finally showed that she was not the helpless mortal teenager that everyone thought she was. She was able to save her father and her friends and even though she wasn’t able to save her mother she finally understood what her father had been trying to tell her all along. There were a lot of things that I wished the author had elaborated some more and I really wished that the chapters after Dana saved her father and friends hadn’t been so rushed. I wanted to know how the conversation with her father really went, I wanted to know what had happened to Finn, and I wanted to know what happened between Kimber and Keane. I wanted to know more and I think the story deserved a little more.