A review by bookish_babe
Demon Slave by Kiersten Fay


After finishing Book 1 in the Shadow Quest Series (Demon Possession) I had to dive into book 2. Demon Slave captivated my attention from the very start. I really liked Marik's character in Demon Possession and was thrilled to find that I would see more of him in Demon Slave. Marik is so broken inside in the beginning of Demon Slave. His past and the hardships he has endured have made him question himself and his honor and watching him fall for Nadua while at the same time trying to push her away, broke my heart. The heat between these two was intense at times but I loved that Nadua wasn't going to take no for an answer. She refused to let Marik hold her at arms length and that made me love her character even more. Nadua is a fighter. She is the type of heroine I love reading about because she is strong and determined and doesn't rely on being saved like some damsel in distress.

Demon Slave made me cry, it made me laugh, and it made me shudder. I felt this story. I didn't just read it. I am so thrilled that I have a new series to obsess over because this is one for the record books. Kiersten Fay creates a world that is riveting in its uniqueness. I have never delved into a series quiet like this one. The world-building is exquisite and Demon Slave is an absolute must read!

4.5 stars for Demon Slave!!