A review by rouver
Ritual Magic by Eileen Wilks


Lily's mother loses her memory, resulting in a 12 yr old version of her in a 57 yr old body. She doesn't know Lily, nor her own husband. Several hundred other people are discovered to have undergone the same memory loss, but to varying degrees.

This is one where it paid to be able to read the books & the novellas back to back. Characters that were introduced several stories ago were brought together in this one, not always with a lot of explanation of who they were. Nathan & Kai, introduced in the novella #3.5, [b:Inhuman|15991484|Inhuman (World of the Lupi, #3.5)|Eileen Wilks|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1347875782s/15991484.jpg|21747961], are used in a deus ex machina role, which just felt forced.

Wilks has decided to go with a constant villain; Friar of the group Human's First, who continues to gain power from the evil demi-god he serves. To keep things interesting, Wilks also mixes it up with a new enemy in every book, although often they aren't revealed until near the end.

Lily also is slowly gaining powers, but Wilks hasn't stepped into Munchkin-ville yet, with a ridiculously over-powered hero.

These are quick reads & I tend to just as quickly forget exactly what happened in each one.

SpoilerDrummond is now a cop that works with 'angels' and can sometimes appear & give Lily advice or direction. Friar is trying to open the world to let his Evil One into the world with the use of an artifact that strips the memories from people, but the destruction of the knife allows another evil deity of chaos access to Earth. One of the wiccans, Miriam, has fallen under the spell of the chaos god and is working against Friar. Miriam infiltrates the clanhome and is trying to use the death of Rule to open a gate. Lily must work with Friar to prevent this from happening. Friar tries to doublecross them and run away with the knife, but Nathan 'kills' the knife, with Friar escapting. Lily & Rule finally get married.