A review by leyaruth42
A History of Eastern Europe by Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius


While the lectures provided were very informational and enlightening, I was disappointed that this professor completely glossed over 1500+ years of history of Eastern Europe. This region was populated and contributed to the history of major empires (Rome, Byzantium, Ottoman, etc) for a very long time. Lots of interesting stuff happened there, especially during the Middle Ages. This professor barely spends one lecture on it, starting around 1300. His specialty must be modern history. He spends many lectures on the Communist period. Which is fascinating, but most of us listening to these lectures can remember those periods, and these lectures are basically just rehashing what we learned growing up. I think he could've spent several lectures detailing the ancient history of the region, 1 or two on the middle ages history, and then spent the rest of the series on the modern history. So, sadly, I can't overly recommend this lecture series unless you are really interested in the modern history of this region.