A review by coffeecass
His Favorites by Kate Walbert



Content warning: Graphic depictions of death and sexual assault. As well as pedophilia. 
To say this book was hard to read at times is an understatement. I was sick to my stomach at one particular chapter and had to stop reading for a moment to gather my bearings. Jo is the type of character who you start out within a horrible situation of being the cause of a personal community tragedy (a refreshing perspective) and then it gets worse. Walbert does such an amazing job at writing from Jo's perspective, the lens of a survivor, as well as a guilt-ridden kid. The worst part of it all is that this story is very similar to a lot of girls all over the world who are put into a bear trap without them knowing it due to lazy, cowardly, and ignorant educators like Jo's headmaster. All that happened to Jo and Charlotte P was preventable if someone had believed. Master was an evil, manipulative predator but, those people allowed him to create a hunting ground. This book made me angry but, it also made me want to be an educator even more than before so that I can offer my students an open and safe learning environment, free of educators like Master. An important read for sure.

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