A review by stormyharper
Batman: Earth One Vol. 2 by Geoff Johns


So in Batman Earth one we come across the Riddler I've got the Riddler was one of my favorites when I was a kid also the Joker obviously we also come across the crocodile who lives in the sewer so the Riddler starts killing people the first one was in an elevator the next one was at an art showing and the third one was a train and the last one was at the police station so Batman needs to figure out what's going on he figures out pretty fast that the crocodile guy doesn't have anything to do with it he's just a guy who wants to chill and doesn't want people shooting at him just because of his skin condition but if you want to know what happened and you got a read it I'm not going to give you all the information and just going to say it's a really good volume