A review by izziede
And After by Sarah Lyons Fleming


Continues the story of the group.

If you want a HEA with the original couple I would leave the series at book 1, except for goodbye lollipops which is a side character's story.
Personally I found book 2+ unnecessary and on a reread I'm not sure I will read the rest.

I have to be honest on my initial read of this book I think I was in so much denial about Adrian that I struggled to get past it.
Its hard as a reader when you think the heroine's HEA is going to be with a person then that doesn't happen.

On my reread I think as I knew it was coming, although it's sad I knew Cassie would have to move on of sorts.

I would say if you read this series, don't get attached to anyone, just in case.
Excellent writing.
Really good survival scenarios and I liked that not everyone is selfish and power hungry, though obviously you have a bit of that.

HEA in book 3 with an Epilogue.