A review by geo_ix
Naked by Raine Miller


It wasn’t written very well & none of the characters sounded... real? She talked all wooden and nothing like a 24 year old, and all the British people sounded like TV caricatures. And for someone who’s lived in a country for 4 years she’s still VERY American.

Honestly it just felt like someone had seen some British person in a show and it titillated them so much they wrote a book about it... but did no research outside of that? Even the youth of the characters felt odd. She’s meant to be 24 and yet she speaks so weird. Who calls someone by their full name? Just call him Ethan lol. Everything they said was long and drawn out and could’ve been shortened easily, but it wasn’t.

I don’t think this aged well honesty, it’s a product of its time, it was right around the time there were a heap of these that were popular, but reading it today was odd. Maybe because it kept mentioning the 2012 olympics and stuff? I’m unsure, but even going off just the writing and subject you can feel> it’s from 2012.

Also, SO odd that she called her dad the night before and he waited until the next day at lunch time to call the dude to complain? What?

Overall, it wasn’t awful, but it was definitely super similar to most other 2012 ‘alpha male’ books. In fact, there were actions, phrases and parts of the plot that were so similar to others that I’m not even sure if it’s worth me continuing. I’d probably have loved this back then, but by now I’ve read so many like it that nothing is jumping out as different.