A review by books_andprobablysome_wine
The Stellar Snow Job by Marie Howalt


This is such a sweet and easy read, perfect for when you need something uplifting. I was lucky to receive an eARC from the author, thank you Marie! Tak for tilliden og for en god læseoplevelse
I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons, one of them being that it reminded me about the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, one of my favorite books ever. I had a short-lived dream of being a travel writer when I was young and like Alannah I had my fair share of being underestimated so she was so relatable for me. I did have a hard time connecting with Eddie in the beginning, she has sort of a “not like other girls” vibe to her but I started to like her more when seeing how she stepped up when she had to. Richard was probably the character I found hardest to relate to, and I would like him to show some more flaws as the series goes on. I do hope it does, and I will read it!
This is not a long story, but we do get a lot of insight in to how the world is organized, thanks to the clever use of travel guide excerpts. I would not min if the story was a little bit longer to get more dept into the stakes. Also, it´s queer, which is always a plus.
For a debut it´s very good and I´m looking forward to seeing what else this author will share with us!

Merged review:

This is such a sweet and easy read, perfect for when you need something uplifting. I was lucky to receive an eARC from the author, thank you Marie! Tak for tilliden og for en god læseoplevelse
I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons, one of them being that it reminded me about the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, one of my favorite books ever. I had a short-lived dream of being a travel writer when I was young and like Alannah I had my fair share of being underestimated so she was so relatable for me. I did have a hard time connecting with Eddie in the beginning, she has sort of a “not like other girls” vibe to her but I started to like her more when seeing how she stepped up when she had to. Richard was probably the character I found hardest to relate to, and I would like him to show some more flaws as the series goes on. I do hope it does, and I will read it!
This is not a long story, but we do get a lot of insight in to how the world is organized, thanks to the clever use of travel guide excerpts. I would not min if the story was a little bit longer to get more dept into the stakes. Also, it´s queer, which is always a plus.
For a debut it´s very good and I´m looking forward to seeing what else this author will share with us!