A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Elementals by Francesca Lia Block


3.5 stars
Thank you to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book for review.

Well this was quite different than what I was expecting so I'm not really sure quite how to review it. It's a very different kind of book - part mystery, part horror, part magical-realism - and despite how uncharacteristic it is of my usual reads, I really was sucked in until the very end. I will say that Block does a great job of keeping the reader curious regarding what happened to Jeni, what will happen to Ariel and her new band of misfit friends, and also what will happen with her mother.
That being said, as much as I was entranced, it was more like I simply couldn't tear myself away, but definitely more in a messed-up kind of way. It was actually kind of sad for me to read because here we see Ariel, starting college at 17 (I'm guessing she had a late birthday) and she is so purely innocent. Never even having kissed a boy (although I'll stay kissing your best girl friend is still weird to me - never understood where those story lines come in), no drugs, no alcohol - and we just see her entire innocence ruined throughout her stay in college. True, I guess it could be said that she never would have been in that position if Jeni hadn't gone missing and her mother hadn't had cancer - but even still, I'd like to say that I wouldn't have gone through any kind of course of action like that if I had been in the same position.
I think the biggest message I took away from this story is how much more college-age is "coming of age" versus high school and young adult. Once you're away from your family, your home, every comfort that you once had, I'd say you're that much more vulnerable to try new things, find new dangers, and seek more excitement. When you're shaping your life yourself and taking these chances on your own, I think that's a time where you change so much more than in what I'd say is the more traditionally thought of "coming of age" range in high school.