A review by sarsev
Nightshade, by Andrea Robertson


I basically read this book because I heard it was good, I love the new covers, and I found it in paperback in an indie bookstore I really love.

Also, I love werewolves. When done well. There is nothing worse than a werewolf story done poorly, but thankfully that was not an issue here. This book was undeniably done very, very well.

Plot: The overall plot revolves around Calla trying to figure out what her world really is. It's the classic everything-I've-been-told-for-years-is-a-lie-and-now-I-have-to-find-the-truth-to-replace-it story, but it's done so well we're not entirely sure what kind of story it is until the very end. At least, I wasn't sure. I don't know what you thought or will think, I'm not in your head. There were also a love-triangle romantic subplot (I'll talk about that in a minute), and a fascinating pack dynamic.

Main Character: Calla is strong. I'd be a fool to say otherwise. She's strong, and an alpha, and she has a good head on her shoulders. At the same time, there were a few things that bothered me. Calla is strong, right? So how come she turned over the reigns to Ren when the packs merged, without one voiced complaint? "That's just the way things are" didn't work for me. Calla's tough. Why did she just turn over her control without any attempt to keep it? I don't know. Maybe that just bothered me.
Overall, I admire Calla. She had a lot thrown at her in this book, and she took it all in stride. She found out everything she'd ever been told was a lie, and she had to find the truth to replace it. She found out everything wasn't the way she thought it was, and that her life really didn't make any sense. She handled that, and she grew and changed. That's a sure sign of good character development.

Other Characters:
My favorite character was probably Ansel. He's Calla's younger brother, and he's in love with Calla's best friend. Bryn (the best friend) is also in love with him. They have a healthy, two-way relationship. It's refreshing, and cute. Ansel is also always there for Calla, whenever she needs him, even if he really doesn't know the whole story (which is most of the time).
I also liked Bryn, the best friend. She was nice, and a good supportive best friend. That's a rare type in YA, where backstabbing frenamies rule. Here, Bryn is a nice girl. She's a real friend.
I loved both Shay and Ren, for different reasons (and I talk about the triangle in just a minute. Be patient). I loved Shay because he was smart, and the good guy (I really always root for the good guy. I think the good guy should win more often. It'd be a welcomed change of pace). I loved Ren because he was interesting, and sexy. I started this book expecting to prefer Ren, and Shay actually changed my mind. But I'll explain that when I get to the love triangle.
There were the characters I loved (Ansel, Bryn, Shay, Ren, Fey, Dax, Cossette, Sabine, Mason, Nev), and the characters I hated (Calla's mother, Ren's father, Logan, both "Keepers", and Shay's "uncle")
Overall, there was a pretty good balance, and the awful characters I loved to hate. Andrea Cremer wrote really, really good character development. If there was one thing I'd like to see more of, it's the Keeper's motivations. But I'm sure that'll be covered in a future book.

The Love Triangle:
Alright, alright, I'll be the first to admit that I am completely freaking sick of love triangles. Really, can we just retire them for a year or two? They're always good in the beginning of a phase of them, and then they get old really, really fast. For once, I want a solid love-interest that I know the main character will end up with after the stuggles and whatnot are over. Why can't we have that? Just every once and a while. Oh, I don't know.
But if you're going to do a love triangle, watch Andrea Cremer. Because this woman is doing it right. Seriously.
In other news...
I started Nightshade expecting to like Ren best, as I said. I'm not usually one for bad boys, but every review I read from any friends on goodreads said they preferred Ren. I prepared to prefer Ren, and to want Shay gone.
And I changed my mind
Do you know how rarely that happens, with love triangles? Usually I know who I'll root for before I even start the book, and the other love-interest never changes my mind. Here, he did.
Despite all of Ren's obvious sex-appeal, and his knack for making you watch what he's doing whenever he's on the page, I don't think he's the right choice for Calla. I mean, if he were real, I'd totally be all over him, but I really don't think he's right for Calla. I think they're struggle for power was way too one-sided, and would lead to an ultimately unhealthy relationship. Because she wouldn't challenge him, on anything. She didn't. She should have, but she didn't. I wasn't entirely sure until that scene on the mountain. You know what I'm talking about, if you read the book. I know Ren apologized, but actions speak louder than words for me. Calla is an alpha, and then suddenly she's not. I like Ren, and I respect him more because he wasn't afraid to apologize for his behavior, but at the same time that made up my mind that he and Calla couldn't have an even, two-way relationship. But don't worry - Ren'll find somebody else if they don't work, like I've predicted. He's sexy, after all.
Shay, on the other hand, made me like him more than I expected. He's smart, and his constant search for knowledge was something I really admired. I just like smart guys, I guess. I also liked how he represents freedom. Calla needs the freedom Shay represents, and Shay needs the unwavering strength Calla represents. I think in that sense they're perfect for each other. I also like the idea of them together, as it works in a story. If the overarching love story were that of Calla and Shay, it would be a role-reversal from the typical paranormal romance relationship. The story would be narrated by the "sexy, paranormal creature" and the love-interest would be the "special one" who is new to the whole idea. Do you get what I'm saying? Maybe I'm just rambling, who knows.

Anyways, I'm Team Shay - but only for Calla. I love Ren to pieces, but I think Shay is a better fit for Calla.

Setting: Got to love the Colorado mountains. I just got back from a summer in my hometown in Idaho, and I have to say that out in the middle of nowhere, it's easy to believe in werewolves (even though my scientific mind tells me I'm a moron for saying that).

Writing: Fantastic. Holds your attention. Flows nicely. Andrea Cremer is a narrative genius.

Cover: I wasn't a big fan of the former cover (on the original hardcover of Nightshade, which may have been the reason why I never picked it up. Now that I've read the book, that cover doesn't really match the narrative anyway. When the new covers were released, they caught my attention again. This time (perhaps because it was in paperback and cheeper, and perhaps because it was purple, my favorite color - hence the goodreads name - who knows?) I decided to give it a go. And sheesh, am I glad I did. Anyways, I really love the new covers. I don't know about you, but I think they're more eye-catching.

Overall: I definitely recommend. Great plot, both love-interests are likable, the pack dynamic is interesting to read about, and the book is remarkably well-written. Among the best werewolf novels I've read (and trust me, with my love of werewolves, I've read a lot of them). If you like werewolves, paranormal suspense novels, and love triangles where you can't quite decide who you like best (even if you've chosen a team for the main character) then this is definitely the book for you.

So, go read it.

Meanwhile, I'll be hunting down a copy of the second book (no pun intended).