A review by protoman21
Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel


Simply put, I love Matt Cruse. He is the perfect protagonist. He has strength of character, moral resolve, ambition, while at the same time he has frailties, doubts, and insecurities. Starclimber is another non-stop thrill ride with Matt advancing from astronaut training to being one of the first people into outer space. The training is exciting in it's own right and introduces us to some new members of the supporting cast who make a strong impression. Tobias and Shepard are almost complete opposites, but each play an important role in helping Matt reach his true potential. When Matt found out he wasn't picked to be an astronaut and then found out about Kate's engagement, my heart plummeted and I was barely able to read on. What a gut-wrenching turn of events and so elegantly delivered. Oppel writes at the perfect level for Young Adults. His stories are thrilling, but they are also complex emotionally. These two sides make for a perfect package.