A review by michalice
The Crawling Darkness by J.L. Bryan


I need to say that The Crawling Darkness needs to come with a warning, do not watch a creepy movie with wall crawling demons one night, then go onto reading The Crawling Darkness,,,,you will have no problems using your imagination to put faces to demons.

I have really enjoyed the Ellie Jordan series so far, but hands down The Crawling Darkness is the creepiest one out of them all, and also makes me sooooo happy I don't live in a house, and that I also don't have a basement. Ellie and Stacey's next job is another old, haunted house, but this house has a unique twist. What was once a huge house, is now split into four different apartments, so instead of a haunting in one place, it has spread throughout the whole building into each apartment, and manifesting in different ways.
I really like the little bits of comic relief, although looking back at it once I've finished the book, I don't remember much comedy after this point.

"Then pretend your'e in the mountains," I said. "Problem solved. Look, deer! And...monkeys!"
"There are no monkeys in the Appalachians," Stacey said.
"So its an exciting adventure already." I led the way onto the porch and rang the bell.

The Crawling Darkness is everything you expect from the author in his latest series, but a whole lot more. The creepiness factor is at an all time high, the history of the house goes back even further, and the danger part just got even more dangerous. I am a really hard person to scare, or freak out, or even just creep me out, it is my mission in life to be scared, and while The Crawling Darkness didn't exactly scare me silly, it definitely creeped me out, so much so that I slept with my back to the door, which is something I never do consciously.

I devoured the pages of The Crawling Darkness, and while I want to go into much more detail about what happens, I want you to go into it blind like I did, with no pre-conceptions or ideas about what happens. I want you to be freaked out, with arms covered in goosebumps, and be shocked over the twisted ending. I may be a glutton for punishment, but I need the next book in my hands now, especially with the new character, and with the endings of all endings.

Final Verdict
A must read for fans of this series, or those looking for a creepy read. It also makes me worry about how far the author is going to take the scare factor in the next book...I have a feeling I may not sleep for a while.